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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

10 steps for your computer security

10 steps for your computer security:-

1.Use good antivirus software and keep it updated daily.
You can use Quick Heal.
2.Apply software updates regularly and consistently.
3.Use a desktop firewall whenever possible- check with your local desktop support team first.
4.Use strong passwords with a minimum of 6 characters- uppercase, lowercase letters, symbols and numbers.
5.Change all of your passwords regularly.

6.Make routine backups of your critical files
7.Do not open emails that you don't recognize the author or that look suspicious to you- you can call your local support team for more information
8.Don't post passwords or usernames in plain sight- post it notes on your monitor with passwords and usernames break most security processes
9.Turn off your computer at night and on weekends- check with your local desktop support team first if this will break nightly updates or backup procedures
10.Don't leave old computers online- disconnect them or turn them off


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