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Thursday, July 16, 2009

How to setup your own homepage of your browser?

How to setup your own homepage of your browser?

Every time you sign on to the Web, your browser starts by showing you the same darned page probably one foisted on you by Apple, Microsoft, or Firefox.
One of your first acts, therefore, should be to change this startup page to a more desirable starting point. For example, you may prefer http://free-mobilegames-download.blogspot.com/ which is a mobile game download blog, www.google.com, the Web search expert; http://download-movies-free2you.blogspot.com/ for the movie download blog; or even your own home page, if you have one. Thereafter, you can instantly return to your startup page by clicking the little icon shaped like a house in your browser's tool bar.
To change it, you need to go into your browser's Home Page settings. Here's where to find them in the most common browsers:-

For Internet Explorer Choose -->Tools -->Internet Options -->General
For Safari. Choose -->Safari -->Preferences -->General
For Firefox (Windows). Choose -->Tools -->Options -->General
For Firefox (Mac). Choose -->Firefox -->Preferences -->General

In the box under Home Page, you can type or paste the URL of your preferred starter site. If you happen to have your browser parked on the very page you want to use, just click the "Use Current Page" button in the box. Once you've typed, pasted, or clicked, click OK to close your settings box. Your new home page is set.


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